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Full text of "DTIC ADA031961: The Limit-Point, Limit-Circle Nature of Rapidly Oscillating Potentials."

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the  limit-point#  limit-circle  nature  OF  RAPIDLY  oscillating  POT— ETC IU) 
MRC-TSR-1676  nL 

AD  A 0 3 1 961 


Mathematics  Research  Center 
University  of  Wisconsin— Madison 

610  Walnut  Street 
Madison,  Wisconsin  53706 

September  197  6 

Received  September  25,  197  5) 

Approved  far  public  release 
Distribution  unlimited 

Sponsored  by 

U.S.  Army  Research  Office 
P.  O.  Box  12211 
Research  Triangle  Park 
North  Carolina  27709 




F.  V.  Atkinson,  M.  S.  P.  Eastham,  and  J.  B.  McLeod 

Technical  Summary  Report  # 167  6 
September  1976 


The  report  analyses  the  Weyl  limit-point,  limit-circle  classification, 


i.e.  the  number  of  linearly  independent  solutions  in  L (0,«),  of  the 

y"(x)  - q(x)y(x)  = 0 (0  < x < »)  , 

where  q(x)  has  the  form 

q(x)  = x°p(x|3)  , 

a and  (3  being  positive  constants  and  p( t)  a real  continuous  periodic 
function  of  t. 

AMS  (MOS)  Subject  Classification:  34B20 

Key  Words:  Ordinary  differential  operators 

r ICf.'iiW  ,5f 

1 MR 

Boundary-value  problems 

1 c:c 


| « as  ■■n 

\ J'.illl  .i*™* 


Work  Unit  Number  l (Applied  Analysis) 




Sponsored  by  the  United  States  Army  under  Contract  No.  DAAG29-7  5-C-0024. 

□ O 


k * 


T.  V.  Atkinson,  M.  S.  P.  Eastham,  and  J.  B.  McLeod 
1 . Introduction 

We  consider  the  Weyl  limit-point,  limit-circle  classification,  i.e.  the 
number  of  linearly  independent  solutions  in  L^(0,  «>),  of  the  second-order  equation 

y"(x)  - q(x)y(x)  = 0 (0  < x < «)  , (l.l) 

where  the  real-valued  potential  q(x)  has  the  form 

q(x)  = xap(xti)  . (1.2) 

Here  a and  (3  are  positive  constants  and  p(t)  is  a continuous 
periodic  function  of  t.  We  denote  by  a the  period  of  p(t). 

It  is  perhaps  worth  remarking  briefly  on  the  significance  of  the 
classification  into  limit-point  and  limit-circle  for  general  real-valued 
potentials  q(x).  In  the  limit-point  case,  the  linear  operator 

- + q(x) 



associated  with  the  equation  (1.1)  and  some  homogeneous  boundary  condition 
at  x = 0,  say  y(0)  = 0,  is  self-adjoint  (and  so  enjoys  a well-defined 
spectral  theory)  without  the  need  to  impose  any  boundary  condition  at  <*. 

In  the  limit-circle  case,  on  the  other  hand,  the  operator  does  not  become 

Sponsored  by  the  United  States  Army  under  Contract  No.  DAAG29-7 5-C-0024. 

self-adjoint  until  its  domain  is  restricted  by  the  imposition  of  some 
suitable  boundary  condition  at  «,  and  for  each  of  these  boundary 
conditions  there  is  a different  spectrum.  From  the  quantum-mechanical 
point  of  view,  where  we  expect  a well-defined  spectrum  without  the  need 
to  impose  additional  boundary  conditions,  the  limit-point  case  is  the 
more  natural,  but  a discussion  of  this  and  some  related  topics  is  given  in  [10]. 

If  we  turn  now  to  the  particular  case  of  (1.  2),  one  simple  remark  can  be 

made  at  the  outset  and  this  is  that,  if  a < 2,  (1.  2)  makes  (1.1)  limit-point 

for  all  |3.  This  follows  from  the  well-known  Levinson  limit-point  criterion 

q(x)  > -kx  [4,  p.  2 31],  k a positive  constant,  which  is  applicable  if 
a < 2 because  p(t),  being  periodic,  is  bounded  below.  The  situation  is 
less  simple  if  a > 2 and  the  object  of  this  paper  is  to  analyse  the  limit- 
point,  limit-circle  nature  of  (1.2)  for  all  a and  p.  In  view  of  the  simple 

remark  made  above,  we  assume  from  now  on  that  a > 2. 

A partial  analysis  of  two  particular  cases  of  (1.2)  has  already 
appeared  in  the  literature.  The  first  case  is  p(t)  = sin  t,  for  which 
(1.  2)  was  shown  by  Eastham  [ 5]  (see  also  [12])  to  be  limit-point  if 
p < 2.  The  range  p < 1 had  previously  been  covered  by  the  work  of 
Hartman  [11]  and  McLeod  [15-17].  The  second  case  is  p(t)  = -1  + k sin  t, 
where  k is  a constant.  This  time  (1.2)  was  shown  by  Eastham  [6]  to 

be  limit-circle  if  p > ~a  + \ and  to  be  limit-point  if  p < 2 and  I k J > 1 

O 4 

(see  also  [7]).  Some  corresponding  results  for  fourth-order  differential 
equations  have  been  given  recently  by  Atkinson  [2]  and  Eastham  [9]. 


Throughout  the  paper,  we  denote  by  M the  mean  value  of  p(t)  over  (Q,a),  i.e. 

-1  r 

M = a / p(t)dt  . 


In  the  paragraphs  which  follow,  we  divide  our  analysis  of  (1.  2)  into  various 
cases.  In  the  range  a < 2(3  - 2,  the  results  depend  on  whether  M = 0, 

M > 0,  or  M < 0.  In  the  range  a > 2(3  - 2,  the  results  depend  on 
whether  p(t)  takes  a positive  value  or  not.  These  results  are  summarised 
on  the  accompanying  figure.  The  situation  on  the  line  a = 2p  - 2 is 
a special  one  and  is  described  in  §9  below.  It  will  be  seen  from  the 
figure  that  our  analysis  is  complete  as  far  as  the  regions  a < 2 and 
a < 2(3  - 2 are  concerned.  For  the  region  in  which  a > 2 and  a > 2(3  - 2 
our  analysis  is  incomplete  in  that 

(i)  when  p(t)  <0  everywhere,  differentiability  conditions  are 
imposed  on  p(t)  (see  §7  below  for  a more  detailed  statement  of  these 

(ii)  the  case  where  p(t)  < 0 but  p(t)  ^ 0 everywhere  is  not  fully 
dealt  with.  The  situation  seems  to  depend  not  only  on  a and  (i  but  also 
on  the  order  of  the  zeros  of  p(t).  The  information  that  we  have  on  this 
case  is  given  in  §8  below. 



2.  The  case  M = 0,  u < p 

We  define 


P(t)  = f p(u)du  . 


Then  the  condition  M - 0 implies  that  P(t)  has  period  a and  hence 

that  P(t)  is  bounded  for  all  t.  We  refer  now  to  a particular  case  of  a 

limit-point  criterion  of  Brinck  [3),  that  (1.1)  is  limit-point  if 

J x ^q(x)dx  > - C (2.1) 


for  ail  intervals  J in,  say,  (l,00)  of  length  <1,  where  C is  a 
constant,  in  our  case  of  (1.2),  we  have 

I x *q(x)dx  = fi  * f xa  Pp(xP)d(xP) 

J J 

= p‘1[x°''PP(xP)]  - p_1(a  - P)  / x°'P_1P(xP)dx  . 

1 J 

Since  P(xp)  is  bounded  for  all  x > 0 and  since  we  are  assuming  in 

this  section  that  a < (3,  we  have 

I f x *q(x)dx  | < C 

for  some  constant  C,  and  so  (2.1)  is  certainly  satisfied. 

That  oscillating  potentials  of  the  kind  considered  here  might  be 
covered  by  (2.1)  was  suggested  by  Brinck  himself  [ 3,  p.229]  and  he  gave 
the  example  q(x)  = x“sin(xa+V 

The  result,  then,  of  this  section  is: 

4.  1&1  M = 0 and  let  « < p.  Then  (1.2)  makes  (1.1)  limit-point- 


We  remark  that  A can  also  be  proved  by  means  of  a limit-point 
criterion  which  is  of  the  same  kind  as  the  one  in  [ 5 | and  can  even  be 
deduced  from  it  - that  (1.1)  is  limit-point  if  there  is  a sequence  of  non- 
overlapping intervals  (a  , b ) in  [ 0,  >»)  with  ( b - a )*  - «•> 

nr  m ’ m m 

and  such  that 

(bm  ~ am)  f q(x)dx  > - C (2.2) 

for  all  intervals  I C (a  b ).  This  criterion  is  given  specifically  in  [ 2 I 

mm  1 

as  a particular  case  of  results  for  higher-order  differential  equations. 

It  is  also  of  the  same  nature  as  the  criterion  in  [ 3).  The  choice  to  be 

i i i _i 

made  in  our  case  of  (1.  2)  is  a = m2,  b = m2  + - m 

m m 4 



3.  The  case  M = 0,  (3  < a < 2(3  - 2 

We  note  that,  since  a > 2,  the  condition  a < 2(3  - 2 implies 
that  (3  > 2.  Hence  the  stated  range  [3  < a < 2(3  - 2 is  meaningful. 

We  transform  (1.1  - 2)  to  a more  manageable  form  by  means  of  the 
transformation  of  Liouville  type 

t = xP,  z(t)  = x(P_1)/2y(x)  . (3.1) 

Then  we  obtain 

z(t)  + { bt  2 - (3  2t  2Vp(t)}z(t)  = 0 , (3.2) 

where  b = ■“  (1  - (3  2)  and 

2\  = 2 - (a  + 2)/(3  . (3.  3) 

In  this  section,  we  determine  the  asymptotic  form  of  the  solutions 
of  (3.  2)  as  t -►  «.  Our  method  requires  that 

0 < 2y  < 1 , (3.4) 

i.e. , by  (3.  3), 

(3  - 2 < a < 2£  - 2 , (3.  5) 

and  this  is  certainly  ensured  by  the  stated  range  (3  < a < 2(3  - 2 . 

In  ( 3.  2)  we  substitute 

z(t)  = u(t)v(t)  , (3.  6) 


v(t)  = tY{l  + ^ P(t)t"2nY  + r(t)t"2Y_1}  . (3.7) 




Here  the  integer  N is  chosen  to  make 

(2N  4 1)\  > 3y  + 1 (3.  8) 

and  the  p^(t)  and  r(t)  are  twice  continuously  differentiable  periodic 

functions,  with  period  a,  which  are  defined  below. 

With  the  substitution  (3.6),  (3.2)  becomes 

2d  2 du  3r  ••  -2  -2  -2\  , . , . , 

v ~ v — + uv  [ v + {bt  - |3  t p(t)}v]  = 0 . (3.9) 

Our  intention  is  that  the  coefficient  of  u in  (3.9)  should  approach  a 
positive  constant  as  t -►  °o. 


Now  v has  the  form 


V3  = t3v{l  4 £ r (t)t_2nv  + 0(t“2v_1)}  , (3.10) 

1 n 

where  r^t)  has  period  a,  and  r^t)  does  not  involve  p^^j(t),  . . . , p^(t) . 

In  particular,  we  note  that 

rj(t)  = 3pj(t)  . (3.11) 



v+{bt  2-f3  2t  2^p(t)}v=tV^  t'2nY(pn(t)  - p"2p(t)pn_1(t)}  + (b  4 v(  V ~ 1)  }tY_  2 - 

- 2 y t~ V_1pA(t)  4 t"Y_1r(t)  4 0(t"3Y_1)  4 0(t'(2N+1)Y)  , 

where  pQ(t)  = 1 and  the  O-terms  refer  to  t — ».  By  (3.8),  the  second 
O-term  can  be  neglected.  Hence,  using  also  (3.10),  the  coefficient  of 
u in  (3.9)  has  the  form 



t3VV  t’Zn^{p  (t)  + s (t)}  + {b  + v(v  - l))tV  1 - 
j n n 

-v-1.  - v- 1 ..  _3v_i 

- 2Y  t p^t)  + t r (t)  + 0(t  ))  , 

where  sn( t)  involves,  besides  p(t),  at  most  those  p^(t)  and  r(t) 
with  j < n - 1 and  hence  at  most  the  p.(t)  with  j < n - 1.  We  note 
in  particular  that 

s^t)  = - p 2p(t) 


s2(t)  = - p 2p(t)p1(t)  + {pj(t)  - p 2p(t)}r1(t)  . 

Let  M denote  the  mean  value  of  s (t)  over  (0,a).  Then  the 
n n 

periodic  functions  p (t)  are  defined  for  n = 1,  2,  . . . , N in  turn  by 


p (t)  = - s (t)  + M . 
n n n 

Also,  the  periodic  function  r(t)  is  defined  by 

r(t)  = 2\  p^t)  . 

We  note  that,  by  (3.13), 

M = - p~2M  = 0 . 

Also,  since  p^t)  = - s (t)  = p 2p(t),  again  by  ( 3. 13),  (3.14)  gives 

S2U)  = " P^PjU)  • 


a a 

aM2  = / s2(t)dt  = - [ p1(t)p1( t)  ] q + J Pj  (t)dt  . 







Thus  M.  >0  and  we  write  M = A . We  now  substitute  (3.1^)  and 

(3.16)  into  (3.12).  Then  (3.12)  takes  the  form 

AZ  + R(t)  + {b  + \(\  - l)}^”2  + 0(t'2)  , 



m - 1 m/12"-4’'' 



In  (3.9),  we  now  make  the  change  of  variable 

£ = f v ^(t)dt  = (1  - 2\)  ^{1  + 0(t  T)}  , 


_i  1 

except  that  the  O-term  would  be  0(t  * log  t)  if  2\  = ^ • Then,  writing 

u(t)  = U(£),  R(t)  = Rj(|) 
and  using  (3.18),  we  can  write  (3.9)  as 



~T  + U(A2  + R (£)  + 0(fd))  = 0 , 

3.  21) 


d = min{2,(l  - 2\)  *}  > 1 • (3.22) 

We  note  that,  by  (3.  4)  and  (3.  20),  £ - 00  as  t - * . 

By  (3.19),  we  have 




d£  = / 



dt  < *>  , 

and  hence  the  asymptotic  form  of  the  solutions  of  (3.  21)  as  £ -*  00  follows 
from  the  remarks  on  pp.  9l-9  2 of  l 4 j . Thus  (3.21)  has  two  solutions 


which  are  asymptotic  respectively  to 

exp(±  i f {A  + R,(£) } ad|)  . 


In  particular,  going  back  through  (3.7),  (3.6),  and  (3.1),  we  find  that 
(1.1)  has  two  solutions  y^(x),  (j  = 1,2)  such  that 

| y. (x) I ~ x 


i.e.  , by  (3.  3), 

I y j (x)  I ~ x. 


as  x - ao.  If  a > (3,  these  two  solutions  are  both  L (O.oo)^  and 

so  we  have  the  limit-circle  case  for  (1.1).  Thus  the  result  of  this  section  is: 

B.  Let  M = 0 and  let  (3<«<2|3-2.  Then  (1.2)  makes  (1.1) 

We  pointed  out  in  (3.  4 - 5)  that  the  above  method  up  to  (3.  23) 
works  when  (3  - 2 < a < 2(3  - 2.  Therefore  it  also  follows  from  (3.2  3) 
that,  when  (3  - 2 < a < (3,  (1-2)  makes  (1.1)  limit-point  and,  to  this 

extent,  we  have  an  overlap  with  the  result  A of  §2. 

We  conclude  this  section  by  mentioning,  first,  that  our  method 
has  some  points  of  similarity  with  the  one  indicated  in  § §2  and  5 of  [IB] 
and,  secondly,  that  a possible  alternative  method  would  be  to  compare 
(3.2)  with  the  periodic  equation  z(t)  - t p(t)z(t)  = 0,  where  t is  a 
small  parameter  (cf.  [ 1 ] ) . 

» ii  "fttlii  mdii  nuHTjur 


4.  The  case  M > 0,  a < 2p  - 2 

Suppose  first  that  a < p.  Then  we  can  use  (2.1)  again  because  now 
I x *q(x)dx  = f Mx“  *dx  + ( x ^+Lt{p(x^)  - M }dx 

J J J 

> f x *+°{p(x^)  - M}dx  , 


and  this  integral  is  bounded  as  in  §2  since  p(t)  - M has  mean  value 
zero.  Thus  the  limit-point  case  occurs. 

Now  suppose  that  p < a < 2p  - 2.  Here  we  need  only  take  the 
case  N = 1 of  (3.7)  and  omit  the  term  involving  r(t).  Thus  we  define 

v(t)  = tY{l  4 Pl(t)t“ 2v)  , 
where  p^(t)  is  the  periodic  function  defined  by 

Pjft)  = p 2{p(t)  - M}  . (4.1) 


v + { bt  2 - p 2t  2vp(t)}v 

= y(y-l)t^  2 + P *"t  Y{p(t)  - M } + btV  2-p  2t  ^p(t)+o(t  V)  = -Mp  2t  Y+o(t  Y) 
since  \ - 2 < - \.  Hence  (3.9)  is 

v2^v2f-u(Mp-2t2Yt^)}  = °. 

Since  {•  • • } here  is  large  and  positive  for  large  t,  this  equation  has 

c 2 

solutions  which  are  exponentially  (and  more)  large  in  £ = | dt/v  . Thus 


1-2  V 

we  have  a solution  u(t)  such  that  u(t)  > exp(k  t ),  where  k > 0. 


Then  certainly  the  corresponding  solution  y(x)  of  (1.1)  is  not  L ( 0 , °°) , 
and  again  the  limit-point  case  occurs.  Thus  the  result  of  this  section  is: 

C.  Let  M > 0 and  let  a < 2p  - 2.  Then  (1.2)  makes  (1.1)  limit-point. 



5.  The  case  M < 0,  a < 2(3  - 2 

7 5 

Suppose  first  that  p > — a + ~ . Then  the  situation  is  covered  by 

o 4 

the  analysis  in  § § 3 - 4 of  [ 6 ] - see  especially  (4.4)  and  (4.5)  of  [ 6] . 
We  again  define  p^(t)  by  (4.1)  above  and  then  define 

s(x)  = x°  2|^Zp1(xfi) 

Hence  (1.  2)  can  be  written 

q(x)  = Mx°  + s"(x)  + 0(xa  ^) 

and  s(x)  satisfies  the  conditions  on  S in  Theorem  2 (and  its  modification) 
in  (6).  Then,  as  in  ( 6),  we  have  the  limit-circle  case. 

Suppose  next  that  (3-2<a<2(3-2.  Thus  (3.  5)  holds  and  we 
shall  consider  again  the  method  of  §3.  We  note  first,  however,  that 
these  two  sub-cases  (3  > ^ a + ~ and  (3-2<a<2(3-2  overlap  and 
between  them  make  up  the  whole  of  a < 2p  - 2,  subject  of  course  to 
the  condition  a > 2 which  is  assumed  throughout. 

We  make  the  substitution  (3.6  - 7)  again.  The  condition  M = 0 
which  was  imposed  in  §3  was  not  in  fact  used  until  (3.17).  If  now  M * 0, 
(3.18)  is  replaced  by 

s(t)  + {b  + y(y  - i)h4v'2  + o(t-1)  , 


N /, 

S(t)  = l 

1 * * 

-1  3- 


a-:;'-  i.  -v  ,»•«■»* 

and,  as  in  (3.17),  M = - p 2M(*  0 now).  Thus  the  leading  term  in 

S(t)  is 

-2  2v 

- 0 Mt  y , (5.1) 

which  is  large  and  positive  as  t — <*>.  Correspondingly,  (3.21)  is 
replaced  by 

+ u{s  (4)  + o(fd)}  = o , 

where  S^(|)  = S(t). 

We  now  substitute 

u(|)  = Sj^UM!)  (5.2) 

and  write 

*1  = / s[/2(|)d4  • (5.3) 

Then  we  obtain,  as  we  did  ( 3.  9)  and  ( 3.  21), 

+ W(1  * S:3/4(£)  s'1/4(|)  + 0(£'dS'‘(£)))  = 0 , (5.4) 

dn  1 d|2  1 1 

where  W(  r))  = w(£).  By  (5.1)  and  (3.20),  the  coefficient  of  W here  is 

1 + 0(t_1)  + 0(t”d(1"2v^"2Y)  . (5.5) 

Since  2y  < 1 and  d > 1,  by  ( 3.  4)  and  (3.  22),  we  have 

- d(l  - 2Y)  - 2Y  < - 1 , 

this  inequality  being  a re-arrangement  of  (d  - 1)(1  - 2Y)  > 0.  Hence 
(5.  5)  is 

l + o(t"1)  = l + o(n”1/(1~Y)) 


a 'a 


H by  (5.  3)  and  (3.  20).  Since  1/(1  - y)  > 1,  we  can  again  quote  pp.  91  - 92 

of  [ 4)  to  say  that  all  solutions  W(^)  of  (5.4)  are  bounded  as  q - «. 

Hence,  going  back  through  ( 5.  2),  (5.1),  (3.7),  (3.6),  and  (3.1),  we  find 
that  all  solutions  y(x)  of  (1.1)  are 

o^evIP-D)/*,  o(x”a/4) 

as  x -*«o.  Since  a > 2,  all  solutions  of  (1.1)  are,  therefore,  LZ(0,  «) 
and  we  have  the  limit-circle  case.  Thus  the  result  of  this  section  is: 

D.  Let  M < 0 and  let  a < 2(3-2.  Then  (1.2)  makes  (1.1)  limit-circle. 

6.  The  case  u > 2[i  - 2,  pit)  taking  positive  values 

In  (3.  3),  we  now  have  y < 0 and  we  write  y = - 6,  so  that 
6 > 0.  Then  in  (3.2)  we  write 

F(t)  = fTV'Sp(t)  - bfZ  , 

so  that 

z(t)  = F(t)z( t)  . 


Since  p(t)  is  a periodic  function  which  is  now  assumed  to  take  positive 

2 2 

values,  we  can  say  that  there  are  positive  constants  A , B , 0^,  6^ 
such  that 

.2  26  . 2 26 
A t < F(t)  < B t 


in  the  intervals  (0^  + na,  0^,  + na)  , n * 0,1,...  . We  call  these 

intervals  (an,  b^).  By  taking  0^  - 0^  small  enough,  we  can  arrange  that 

B<|a.  (6.3) 

Let  z ,(t)  and  z At)  be  the  solutions  of  (6.1)  defined  by 
n, 1 n,  2 

Zn  = °»  Zn  |(dJ  = 1 * 

n,  i n n,  1 n 

z (t)  = z (t)  f z 2 (u)du  . 
n,2  n,  1 ' n,  1 



We  note  that 

W<zn,l'2n,2,(t'  = •*  ' 


Let  N be  any  integer.  From  (6.  2),  we  have  for  n > N 

4 s r<t>  ^ 




in  (a  ,b  ),  where 
n n ’ 

H - Aa  and  K = (B/A)sup(b  /a  . 
n n n n 


By  (6.  3),  we  can  choose  N so  that 


By  (6-7),  the  theory  of  differential  inequalities  [20,  p.  69  | applied 
to  (6.1)  and  (6.4)  gives 

a lsinh{u  (t  - a )}  < z .(t)  < (Ku  ) ^inhfKu  (t  - a )}  . 
n 11  n n,  i n n n 

Then  (6 . 5)  gives 

sinh{Kp  (t  - a )}sinh{u.  (b  - t)} 
n n n n 

"n,  2V L/  ~ K sinh{p  (t  - a )}sinh{u  (b  - a )} 
rn  n *n  n n 

z_  M)  < 


K sinh{pn(t  - a^)  }sinh{K^n(bn  - t) } 

'n,  2' L/  — sinh{Kp  (t  - a )}sinh{Ku.  (b  - a )} 
n n n n 

z_  ,(t)> 

Now  consider  any  two  real  solutions  z^t),  z2(t)  of  (6.1)  such  that 

W(Zj,  z^)(t)  = 1 . 

In  (a  , b ),  we  must  have 
n’  n ’ 

z (t)  = A z (t)  + B z (t)  , 
1 n n,  1 n n,  2 

z (t)  = C z (t)  + D z (t)  , 
2 n n,  1 n n,  2 

and  (6.  6)  and  (6. 12)  imply  that 

AD  - B C = - 1 . 
n n n n 








It  follows  from  (3.1)  that  (1.1)  will  be  limit-point  if,  for  all  intervals 

(a^,  b^)  with  n large  enough, 

bn  b 

either  f z2(t)t  2+2/^dt  > k or  f z2(t)t~2  + 2/Pdt  > k , 

a a 

n n 

k being  a positive  constant  independent  of  n.  Now, 

f zf(t)t  2 + 2/|3dt  = A2I  + 2A  B J + B2I  _ , (6.15) 

1 n n,  1 n n n n n,  2 ’ ' ' 


n,  i J n,  1 n n ’ 

'2t2/|Jdt  < k .T2 2(K'1),‘n(bn'an) 

Jn  = / zn  .(t)z  2(t)t"2  /Pdt  < kn"2a“2+2/|ie 

n "i  n,  1 n,  2 rn  n 



on  using  (6.9),  (6.10),  and  (6.11).  By  completing  the  square  in  (6.15), 

we  see  that 

/ . zf  U)t 

f(t)t-2+2/Pdt  > A2(!  T -J2)/I 
1 - nv  n,  1 n,  2 n n,  2 

Then  (6.14)  certainly  follows  for  Zj(t)  if 

A2  > 

n - ^n  n 


where,  in  neglecting  J in  comparison  to  I .1  _,  we  have  used 

n n,  i n,  z 

the  inequality  4(K  - 1)  < 2,  which  is  implied  by  (6.8).  Similarly, 
(6.14)  follows  for  z^(t)  if 

y -2p  (b  -a  ) 

_ 2 , 3 2-2/p  n n n 

C >ku  a re 
n — ^n  n 

If  neither  (6. 16)  nor  (6. 17)  holds,  then,  by  (6.13),  we  must  have 


2 -3  -2+2/p  ^n  n n 

B > ku  a e 

n — n n 

2 -3  -2+2/p  2tin(bn"an) 

D > ku.  a e 

n — rn  n 

and  then  the  inequality 

/ z2(t)t"2+2/,3dt  > B2(I  I - J2)/I  , 

1 n n,  1 n,  <-  n n,  1 

obtained  again  from  (6.15)  by  completing  the  square,  gives  (6.14)  for 
Zj(t)  in  the  case  of  (6.18).  We  can  argue  similarly  for  z^( t)  in  the  case 
of  (6.19).  Hence  the  result  of  this  section  is: 

E.  Let  o > 2p  - 2 

p(t)  take  positive  values.  Then 

(1.  2)  makes  (1.1)  limit-point. 

We  remark  that  the  result  E for  the  more  restricted  range  a > 4p  - 6 
follows  from  a general  limit-point  criterion  of  Ismagilov  [ 1 3)  - see  also  1 1 4 J . 


7 . The  case  a > 2^  - 2,  p(t)  < 0 for  all  t 

As  in  §6,  we  write  y - - 6 in  (3.2)  and,  since  p(t)  < 0 now, 
-2  -4 

we  can  write  (3  p(t)  = - Q (t),  where  Q(t)  > 0.  Then  (3.2)  is 

z(t)  + {bf2  + t26Q"4(t)}z(t)  = 0 . 

We  make  the  substitution  (3.6)  again: 

z(t)  = u(t)v(t) 

but,  instead  of  (3.7),  we  take 

v(t)  = fi6Q(t){l  + V pn(t)t'2n6}  , 


where  the  integer  N is  chosen  to  make 

2(N  + 1)6  > 6 + 1 

and  the  pn(t),  to  be  defined  below,  have  period  a.  Then,  as  for  (3.9), 

v2Av2S  + Ut'^Q3(t)U  + f Pn(t)t‘2nt)3x 

x t 2 6(t){l  + £ p (t)t-2n’}  + 2t  Q(t)  £ Pn(t)t'2nJ  + 
1 1 n 

-76  N , . -76-1  \ 

+ t Q(t)  £ Pn(t)t'2n6  + 0(t  )J  + 

+ {bt‘2  + t26Q‘4(t)}t‘26Q4(t){l  + J p (t)t'2n6)4  = 0 , 

f n 


which  is 

2d  2 du 
V dt  V dt  ' U 

t^Vdtu * v pm,-2"6}3* 




Q(t)  {1+2;  PJ1)* 


V , \ -2n6-> 

> r\  ( + J 


+ 2Q(t)  £ Pn(t)t"2n°  + 
1 n 


Q(t)  Yj  Pn(*)t 



+ U + E Pn(t)t 


-2n6}  +o(r26-1) 

= 0 . 


On  expanding  {•  • • } here  by  the  binomial  theorem,  we  obtain  (inter 
alia)  the  terms  4pn(t)t  ° (n  = 1 N).  Then  pn(t)  is  chosen 

so  that  there  is  no  term  involving  t 


in  [•••].  Thus 


Pj(t)  = - ^ Q3(t)Q(t) 

and  P (t)  (n  > 2)  involves  p(t),...,p  (t).  Hence  the  p (t)  are 

n 1 n-i  n 

determined  in  turn. 

It  is  clear  also  that  p^(t)  involves  Q^2N\t)  and  so  we  must 
assume  the  existence  and  continuity  of  0^2N  + 2^(t)  and  hence  of 
p(2N  The  nearer  5 is  tQ  zero>  the  larger  N is  (by  (7.4))  and 

the  greater  the  differentiability  required  of  p(t).  If  6 > 1 (for  example), 
i.e.  if  a > 4p  - 2,  we  can  take  N = 0 in  (7.4)  and  then  we  need 
only  assume  the  existence  and  continuity  of  p(t).  More  generally,  if 


••n*  * 

p(2N+2)^  exists  and  is  continuous,  we  can  deal  with  the  region 
a > 2(3  7^  ~~  - 2 since  this  last  inequality  is  just  a re-arrangement 
of  (7.  4).  If,  therefore,  we  wish  to  deal  with  the  entire  region  a > 2p  - 2 
with  a single  differentiability  condition  on  p(t),  that  condition  has 
to  be  that  p(t)  is  infinitely  differentiable. 

With  our  choice  of  the  p (t)  described  above,  (7.  5)  takes  the 



2d  2 du  _ -2(N+1)6,  _.  -26-1. , 

v — v — + uU  + 0(t  ) + 0(t  )]  = 0 . 


We  make  the  change  of  variable 

t _? 

I = / v (t)dt  . 


By  (7.  3),  i/t  ^ lies  between  positive  constants  as  t -*  °°.  Hence 
(7.6)  becomes 


^“7  + U{1  + 0(1" d)}  = 0 , (7.7) 


where  U(|)  = u(t),  d > 1,  and  we  have  used  (7.4). 


Since  all  solutions  U(£)  of  (7.7)  are  bounded  as  | - »,  again 

by  pp.  91  - 9 2 of  [ 4 ] , it  follows  from  (7.2)  and  (7.3)  that  all  solutions 


z(t)  of  (3.2)  are  0(t  2 ) as  t -*  ».  Hence,  by  (3.1),  all  solutions 
y(x)  of  (1.1)  are  0(x  ~2^f>  ^ = o(x  *a ) as  x - Since  a > 2, 

all  solutions  of  (1.1)  are,  therefore,  L^O,^)  and  we  have  the  limit-circle 
case.  Thus  the  result  of  this  section  is: 

F.  Let  a > 2(3-2  and  let  p(t)  < 0 for  all  t.  Also,  let  p(t)  be 
Infinitely  differentiable.  Then  (1.  2)  makes  (1.1)  limit-circle . 


8.  The  case  a > 2(3  - 2,  p(t)  <0  for  all  t,  and  p(t)  taking  the 
value  zero 

We  do  not  have  a complete  analysis  of  this  case  but  we  can  say 
enough  to  indicate  that  the  situation  is  more  complicated  than  in  previous 
cases  in  that  the  order  of  the  zeros  of  p(t),  as  well  as  a and  p, 
appears  to  affect  the  limit-point,  limit-circle  nature  of  (1.  2).  We  shall 
give  the  discussion  for  the  particular  potential 

q(x)  = - x°  sin2n(xli)  , (8.1) 

where  n is  a positive  integer,  but  the  ideas  require  only  obvious 
modifications  for  suitable  more  general  potentials  (1.2).  However,  it 
does  remain  an  open  question  to  what  extent  (8.1)  is  typical  of  all 
potentials  (1.  2)  falling  under  the  heading  of  this  section.  There  are 
certainly  complications  if  p(t)  has  an  infinity  of  zeros  of  order  2n  in 
(0,  a),  or  more  generally  if  it  vanishes  at  a point  which  is*  not  a zero  of 
a specific  order. 

We  obtain  first  a limit-point  result  for  (8.1).  We  take 

, .1/p  -1/2  . . , ,1/p  -1/2  . ,,  ,w 

a = mrr)  r - m and  b = (rmr)  + m in  2.2)  (or  in 

m m 

Corollary  1 of  [ 5)).  Then  (8.1)  will  be  limit-point  if 

xa  sin2n(x^)  < Cm  (8.2) 

in  (a  , b ),  where  C is  a constant.  To  ensure  that  the  (a  , b ) 
mm’  m m 

are  non-overlapping,  at  any  rate  when  m is  large  enough,  we  take 

P < 2 . (8.3) 

Since  x = (mir) 

+ 0(m  ) in  (a  , b ),  (8.2)  is  satisfied  if 

m m 

a 11. 

i.e.  if 

a + (n  - l)p  < 2n  . 

This  condition  implies  (8.  3)  since  a > 2.  Hence  we  have 

G . Let  a + (n  - 1)(3  < 2n.  Then  (8.1)  makes  (l.J)  limit-point- 
We  now  make  a conjecture. 

H (conjectured).  Let  a + (n  - l)p  > 2n.  Then  (8.1)  makes  (1.1) 

We  support  this  conjecture  with  the  following  remarks.  Considering 
(3.2),  we  seek  an  approximation  to  solutions  of 

z(t)  + {bt  + (3  ^t^&  sin2nt}z(t.)  = 0 (8.4) 

throughout  an  interval  [ (m  - ~)n,  (m  + ~)ir),  where  m is  a large 
integer  and,  as  in  § §6  and  7,  6 = > 0.  We  define 

P(t)  = bt  + (3  t sin  t , 

i(t)  = (n  + l)1/(n+i)( / P^'(u)du)i/(n+1)  , (8.  5) 



f(t)  = e^n(t)p"^(t) . 

Then  it  can  be  shown  that,  both  when  t - mir  is  small  and  when  t - mir 
is  exactly  of  order  1, 



. . . 


(a)  f(t)  X m'^/(nfl)  , 

(b)  f(t)W(4)  satisfies  an  equation  approximating  to  (8 . 4),  where 
W(4)  is  a solution  of 


^ + eZnw  = 0 . 

We  omit  the  routine  details  of  the  calculations.  Now  (b)  suggests  that 
solutions  z(t)  of  (8.4)  are  approximately  of  the  form  f(t)W(4)  and 
hence,  by  (3.1),  that  (1.1)  is  limit-circle  if 

Yj  I |f(t)W(£)  |V2+2/Pdt  < » . 

m (m--)-* 

By  (8.  5)  and  (8.  6), 

4 P2(t)  = f (t)  X m 


Hence  (8. 8)  holds  if 

X m-*V(n+l)-3+2/p  |w(5)|2d£  < », 

m 4{(m--|)ir} 

where  we  have  used  (8.6)  again.  Since  all  solutions  W(4)  of  (8.7)  are 
0(4  ?°)  as  4 - °° , the  integral  term  here  is  bounded  if  n > 1.  (The 
case  n = 1 introduces  a negligible  logarithm.)  Hence  (8.8)  holds  if 

n + 1 (3 

Since  26  = -2y  = -2  + (a  + 2)/p,  this  reduces  to  a + (n  - 1)(3  > 2n 
as  required. 

The  rigorization  of  this  argument  would  appear  to  involve  some 
complicated  analysis  on  the  lines  of  the  Langer-Titchmarsh  approach  to 
turning  points.  Although  it  is  hoped  that  a treatment  of  this  will  appear 
in  due  course,  the  details  have  not  been  carried  through  at  the  present 


a = 2p  - 2 

In  this  section,  it  is  convenient  to  consider,  in  place  of  (1.1), 

the  equation 

y"(x)  - |q(x)  + bp2x  2}y(x)  = 0 , 

where  b is  as  in  (3.2).  Since  the  coefficients  of  y(x)  in  (9.1)  and 
(1.1)  differ  only  by  a term  bp2x  2 which  is  bounded  in  the  neighborhood 
of  x = «,  the  limit-point,  limit-circle  nature  of  (1.1)  is  the  same  as 
that  of  (9 . 1)  at  x - <*  (cf.  [4,  p.  225)).  When  the  transformation  ( 3. 1) 
is  applied  to  (9.1),  we  obtain,  in  place  of  (3.2),  the  simpler  equation 

z(t)  - p 2t  2^p(t)z(t)  = 0 . 

In  the  present  case  when  a - 2p  - 2,  v = 0 and  we  have  the  periodic 


z(t)  - p p(t)z(t)  = 0 


The  limit-point,  limit-circle  nature  of  (1.1)  is  connected  to  the  stability 
nature  of  (9 . 2),  a connection  which  was  noted  by  Sears  [19]  in  a not 
dissimilar  context.  For  completeness,  we  give  here  the  details  of  this 
connection  and  we  refer  to  [8,  §§1.1-3]  for  the  necessary  theory  of  (9.2). 

If  (9.2)  is  stable,  all  solutions  of  (9.2)  are  bounded  in  (0,») 
and  so,  by  (3.1),  all  solutions  y(x)  of  (9.1)  are 

0(x“^"^/2)  = 0(x.~a/4) 

as  x -*  ».  Since  a > 2,  we  have  the  limit-circle  case. 

If  (9.  2)  is  unstable,  (9 . 2)  has  an  exponentially  large  solution  as 
t * « and  the  corresponding  y(x)  is  certainly  not  l/(0,*>).  Hence 
we  have  the  limit-point  case. 

If  (9.2)  is  conditionally  stable,  but  not  stable  (i.e.  case  D2  or 
case  E2  of  [ 8,  §1.2]  holds),  (9 . 2)  has  a solution  z(t)  of  the  form 

z(t)  = tPj(t)  + Pz(t)  , 

where  F^(t)  and  P^t)  have  period  a or  2a.  For  this  z(t)  we  have 

/"  lz2(t)  lt'2+2/fidt  = - 

and  hence,  by  (3.1),  the  corresponding  y(x)  is  not  L2(0,oo),  Thus  we 
have  the  limit-point  case  again. 

The  result,  then,  of  this  section  is: 

I.  Let  a = 2(3-2.  If  (9.2)  is  stable,  then  1 1.  2)  makes  (1.1) 
limit-circle.  Otherwise.  (1.2)  makes  (1.1)  limit-point. 

An  example  in  which  both  the  possibilities  in  I are  realised  is 
that  in  which  (9.2)  is  the  Mathieu  equation.  Here, 

p(t)  = - (3^(\  - q cos  2t)  , 

where  \ and  q are  constants  with  q * 0.  Given  q,  (9.2)  can  be 
made  both  stable  and  unstable  by  choice  of  \ - see,  e.  g.  , [8,  §2.5]. 

Acknowledgement.  Work  on  this  paper  was  done  while  we  were  at  the 
University  of  Dundee  during  the  Summer  Term  of  1974  in  connection  with  the 
Symposium  on  Spectral  Theory  and  Differential  Equations,  which  was 
supported  by  the  Science  Research  Council.  We  thank  Professor  W.  N.  Everitt 
for  the  invitation  to  visit  the  Mathematics  Department  of  the  University  of  Dundee. 



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Til  and  Subtitle) 


6 performing  org  report  number 

DAAG29-7  5-C-M24 



Mathematics  Research  Center,  University  of 
610  Walnut  Street  Wisconsin 

Madison.  Wisconsin  53706 


U.  S.  Army  Research  Office 
P.O.  Box  12211 

Research  Triangle  Park,  North  Carolina 

"IT  'MONITORING  VfFNl-y  NAME  A ADpRFSS/1/  Kill.— I Imn 


277  09 

15  SECURITY  CLASS  (of  thla 



16  distribution  statement  (of  th/a  Raport ) 

Approved  for  public  release;  distribution  unlimited 

IT  DISTRIBUTION  STATEMENT  (oi  tha  abatract  antarad  in  Block  20,  /I  dlflarant  from  Raport) 


19  KEY  WORDS  (Contlnua  on  ravarae  alda  If  nacaaamry  and  tdantffy  by  block  numbar) 

Ordinary  differential  operators 
Boundary-value  problems 

20  ABSTRACT  (Contlnua  on  ravaraa  alda  H nacaaamry  and  Idantlty  by  block  numbar) 

i.e.  the  number  of  linearly  independent  solutions  in  L2to,°°),  of  the  eque 

U4t'5’ y"(x)  - q(x)y(x)  « 0 (0<x<«)L;  . . 

where  q(x)  has  the  form  ^ 4 or  * 

q(x)  * x°p(xp)  , poJ 

o and  p being  positive  constants  and  p(t)  a real  continuous  periodic 
function  of  t.